Vendor Application

Vendor Application

Vendor type: Distributor Online Retailer Other
Industry: 3C Electronics Travel Home Fashion Gift Electric Tools
Legal company name:
DBA (if available):
VAT # (VAT # required for all EU Countries):

Bill to address:
City / Town:
Province / Sate:
Postal Code:

Ship to address (if different from billing address):
City / Town:
Province / Sate:
Postal Code:

Contact name: Mr.Mrs.  Title:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Website URL:
Year established:
Number of Employees:
Number of Sales Reps:

What is your preferred method of payment?
Wire transfer in advance Paypal Check Other

Sales Information

Annual sales volume (in USD):
Estimated annual purchase volume from Cellularmega (in USD):
Estimated initial order from Cellularmega (in USD):
Will you sell our product using your own brand name(s)?
Yes No
If yes, what are your brand names?
What other products does your company sell?
Territory / Country covered (List all available please):
List your distribution channels

Purchasing History

Have you purchased Cellularmega products from other supplier / manufacturers?
Yes No
If yes, who supplied / manufactured the products?

Have you purchased other similar products from other supplier / manufacturers?
Yes No
If yes, who supplied / manufactured the products?


Purchase Plan

Which products will you consider purchasing in the next three months?
Cellularmega External batteries   Cellularmega Laptop ac adapter
Cellularmega Laptop batteries   Cellularmega Cell phone batteries
Cellularmega Digital Camera Batteries   Cellularmega
Cellularmega Portable power bank for Iphone/Ipad/Samsung   Cellularmega Other
What differentiates your company from your competitive distributors?
How many representatives will you have to focus on Cellularmega' products
What share of the market would you expect to get within the first 3 years?
Year one year two year three
Signature Type name Date

Once the form is completed, please mail it to:

Thanks you for completing this application!